
Questions to Ask When Exploring Pre-Kindergarten Programs

Part 4 of a 4 Part Series

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We know that starting school can be a daunting experience for young students, but we also recognize that the same is true for parents when they start looking at schools for their child(ren). Deciding to take the leap and join an early education program like Pre-Kindergarten can be overwhelming – this is the first step in your child’s educational journey and there are plenty of questions that arise as you start the search!

With 20+ years of experience helping families explore their school options, we wanted to share a few questions that many of our parents asked when they were exploring their options, and the answers that helped them decide. 

What Does Parenting Through Pre-Kindergarten Look Like?

Once admitted into a Pre-Kindergarten program, it can be confusing as to what needs to be done at home to support the learning happening in the classroom. Our Director of Early Childhood Education, Mrs. Margee Boswell, has developed a few strategies that we implement and encourage parents to follow in order to support their children when they start their educational journey.

In addition to asking your student about their day when you pick them up from school, Mrs. Boswell suggests using the weekly classroom newsletter that teachers send to parents, to detail the week’s events and activities and what they learned. Mrs. Boswell also reinforces the importance of reading with your child at night, especially if you practice dialogic reading with them (the practice of engaging your child in conversation about the book).

Above all, parenting through pre-kindergarten involves supporting your child as they navigate this season of change that they are going through. Every student reacts to starting school differently – some may struggle a lot while others adjust rather quickly. However your child responds, you can rest assured that teachers at The Oaks will walk alongside you and support you in this journey.

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